Table 4: Effects of microbial inoculants, maize genotypes and soil type on root weight and root length of maize planted in pots in Screen house.

Variables Root Weight (g) Root Length (cm)
Soil Type
Itsoseng 8.08b 46.16b
Mafikeng 17.65a 50.16a
Pseudomonas kilonensisF113 20.20a 53.93a
Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 9.90b 45.53b
Non inoculated 13.28b 47.00b
Maize Genotype
Aflatoxin SYN 4W 23.71a 46.67b
TZB SR 10.77b 46.19b
Aflatoxin R SYN 2Y 14.21b 53.26a
Aflatoxin SYN 3W 10.41b 48.19b
Aflatoxin SYN 2Y 13.19b 49.81ab
Treatment Effects
Soil Type .000 .014
Inoculant .000 .000
Maize genotype .000 .004
Soil Type × Inoculant .000 .203
Soil type × maize genotype .000 .436
Inoculant × maize genotype .000 .000
Soil type × Inoculant × maizegenotype .000 .013

Means followed by the same letter along the column for a factor are not significantly different at 5% level of probability using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT).