Table 5: Effects of Pseudomonas inoculants on the growth and yield of maize planted on the field.

Variables Yield (t/ha) Plant Height (cm) Leaf Length (cm)
Pseudomonas kilonensis F113 555a 111.27a 68.38a
Pseudomonas protegensCHA0 555a 104.49a 68.38a
Non inoculated 122b 41.27b 32.40b
Maize genotype
Aflatoxin SYN 4W 473a 90.93a 61.16a
TZB SR 416ab 87.89a 56.00a
Aflatoxin R SYN 2Y 309b 76.66a 57.18a
Aflatoxin SYN 3W 362ab 77.51a 50.83a
Aflatoxin SYN -2Y 498a 95.39a 57.18a
Treatment Effects
Inoculant 0.000 0.000 0.000
Maize genotype 0.90 0.489 0.538
Inoculant × maize genotype 0.34 0.521 0.435

Means followed by the same letter along the column for a factor are not significantly different at 5% level of probability using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT).