Table 3: Onion yield parameters as affected by nitrogen, potassium and sulfur nutrient levels.

Nutrient Levels (Treatments) Bulb Diameter (cm) Fresh Bulb Weight (g) Dry Bulb Weight (g) Total Bulb Yield (Mg ha-1)
N0 S0 K0 (control) 3.98m 57.65l 15.44h 9.97k
N0 S0 K45 4.05m 59.54l 15.79h 10.90k
N0 S0 K67 4.23lm 69.75kl 17.15gh 12.10jk
N0 S15K0 4.80klm 84.53jkl 18.18gh 13.60ij
N0 S15K45 5.68jkl 89.51jkl 19.04gh 15.50i
N0 S15K67 5.02kl 98.13ijk 20.65g 14.72ij
N69S0 K0 5.78ijk 120.27hij 26.37f 18.31h
N69S0 K45 5.88hij 126.12ghi 27.35f 18.90h
N69S0 K67 6.1ghij 135.59fgh 28.76f 19.90gh
N69S15K0 6.6fghi 156.27efg 34.67e 21.80fg
N69S15K45 6.72fgh 157.82efg 35.71de 22.53ef
N69S15K67 6.85efg 166.04def 37.11de 23.60def
N92S0 K0 7.57def 175.28cde 36.92de 25.00cde
N92S0 K45 6.68cde 180.85bcde 37.92cde 25.51cd
N92S0 K67 7.82bcd 212.8ab 39.32bcd 26.50bc
N92S15K0 8.43bc 206.43abc 42.30abc 28.40ab
N92S15K45 8.54b 195.78abcd 43.22ab 29.11ab
N92S15K67 8.64a 220.75a 44.70a 30.17a
CV 4/24 8.60 7.71 5.87
Significance level ** ** ** **

Treatments not connected by the same letter for a growth or yield parameter are significantly different at 99% probability level. ** stands significant at P<0.01.