Table 2: Daily feed intake of sheep fed hay and supplemented with different mixes of sesame seed cake and short milled wheat combination.

Feed Intake (g) Diets SEM SL
Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4
Hay DMI 725.00a 727.20a 701.40b 693.10b 6.6 **
Supplement DMI 0.00 120.00 240.00 360.00 - -
Total DMI 725.00d 847.20c 941.40b 1053.10a 6.6 ***
DMI (% BW) 2.88 ab 3.00 a 2.80 b 2.60 c 0.06 **
DMI (g/kg W0.75) 74.3c 73.6 c 80.2b 87.9a 1.31 ***
TOMI 647.0d 763.2c 855.0b 962.0a 5.83 ***
OMI (% BW) 3.2ab 3.4a 3.2b 2.9c 0.08 **
OMI (g/kg W0. 75) 66.3b 66.0b 72.1b 79.1a 1.16 ***
Total CPI 54.9d 84.5c 112.0b 140.8a 0.50 ***
Total NDFI 542.7d 589.5c 614.7b 652.8a 4.98 ***
Total ADFI 340.0c 356.4b 360.7b 375.3a 3.10 ***
Total ADLI 77.2d 83.9c 88.5b 93.9a 0.72 ***
EME intake(MJ/day) 10.2d 12.0c 13.4b 15.2a 0.10 ***

a, b, c, d, means within a row not bearing a common superscript letter significantly differ; **= (P<0.01); ***= (P<0.001); NS=not significant; DMI=Dry matter intake; SEM=Standard error of mean; OMI=Organic matter intake; CPI=Crude protein intake; NDFI=neutral detergent fibre intake; ADFI=acid detergent fiber intake; ADLI=acid detergent lignin intake; %BW=percent of body weight; g/W0.75=gram per metabolic weight; SL=significant level; Diet1= grass hay adlib tum (control); Diet2= grass hay adlib tum +45g sesame seed cake+75g Short milled wheat; Diet3= grass hay adlib tum +95g sesame seed cake+145g short milled wheat; Diet4= grass hay adlib tum +140 sesame seed cake+ 220 short milled wheat; EME= estimated metabolizable energy; MJ= mega joule.