Table 3: Definition and development relevance of agriculture and food-security indicators, and their sources.

Proxy Indicators Definition and ARD Relevance Source
Agriculture Rural population (Definition) The rural population refers to people living in rural areas as defined by national statistical offices. It is calculated as the difference between total population and urban population.
(ARD relevance) The rural population and its density are important for analyzing economic behaviors and appropriate development interventions. In the development process, workers tend to migrate from rural to urban areas.
World Bank #
A portion of rural population (%)
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value
added as % of GDP
(Definition) Agricultural value added is the net output of the agriculture sector, including forestry, hunting and fishing, and cultivation of crops and livestock production #.
(ARD relevance) It indicates this sector’s economic share, contribution and investment to better understand the structural changes and trends over time in different countries and regions .
World Bank #
Employment in agriculture (Definition) Employment is defined as people of working age who are engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit. The agriculture sector consists of activities in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing.
(ARD relevance) This information is particularly useful in identifying stages of development in a country. Labor tends to flow from agriculture and other labor-intensive primary activities to the industry and services sector.
World Bank #
Food security Prevalence of undernourishment (Definition) It estimates the percentage of the population whose food intake measured in calories continues being insufficient to meet dietary energy requirements.
(ARD relevance) Nutrition is key to survival, health and development. Well-nourished people can perform better and be on firmer developmental paths, both physically and mentally.
World Ban k#
Global hunger index (Definition) It is a 0-100 scale in hunger severity and calculated with PoU, child stunting, child wasting and child mortality. GHI emphasizes the factors in children under the age of five.
(ARD relevance) Tracking national and regional hunger helps compare levels of hunger severity among countries and raises awareness to provide means for alleviating serious situations.
ODA Data Definition and ARD Relevance Source
Grants (Definition) Grants are transfers made in cash, goods or services for which no repayment is required. Data are disbursements rather than commitments executed by KOICA through bilateral channels.
(ARD relevance) ARD grants support projects, technical cooperation, budget, food aid etc. They help improve from agricultural productivity, technical capacity, agricultural value chain, income to food security.
Source: # World Bank (; FAO-Global trends in GDP and Agriculture Value Added (1970-2013); § IFPRI (; * OECD DAC (; ¶ KOICA Annual Reports (