Table 4: Select core sectors for Korean ODA in the five countries during 2011-2020.

Country Core Sectors Specified in Country Partnership Strategy
First selection for 2011-2015 Second selection for 2016-2020
Ethiopia Health and sanitation, Agriculture and rural development, Education, Economic infrastructure Health and sanitation, Agriculture and rural Development, Education, Transport and Energy
Ghana Energy, Health and sanitation, Education Energy, Health and sanitation, Education, Agriculture and rural development
Mozambique Transport, Energy, Agriculture and rural development, Education Transport, Energy, Water management and health, Education
Rwanda ICT, Education, Agriculture and rural development ICT, Education, Agriculture and rural development
Uganda Economic infrastructure, Agriculture and rural development, ICT Agriculture and rural development, Education, Health and sanitation
Source: Government of Republic of Korea (GOR), 2012; GOR 2017 for Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Rwanda and Uganda [14-23]