Table 2: KOICA total disbursements (KOICA Total), KOICA total disbursements allocated to agricultural-rural development in all recipient countries (ARD Total) and KOICA total disbursements allocated to agricultural-rural development in Asia (Asia ARD Total) in USD million, percentage of ARD Total against KOICA Total and percentage of Asia ARD Total against ARD Total from 2006 to 2016.

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
KOICA Total# 193.489 270.217 275.238 279.258 454.156 408.056 445.277 477.585 551.296 563.250 551.863
ARD Total# 7.305 16.232 24.254 27.174 40.041 38.781 57.941 66.057 80.986 82.890 82.765
ARD percentage § 3.8 6.0 8.8 9.7 8.8 9.5 13.0 13.8 14.7 14.7 15.0
Asia ARD Total# 5.607 7.694 12.980 13.108 18.771 20.859 27.938 28.606 35.325 33.394 41.166
Asia ARD percentage § 76.8 47.4 53.5 48.2 46.9 53.8 48.2 43.3 43.6 40.3 49.7

: Data extracted from KOICA Annual Statistical Reports and rearranged for study purpose. #: KOICA Total-KOICA total ODA disbursement to all recipient countries and all sectors; ARD Total-KOICA disbursement to agricultural-rural development sector to all recipient countries; Asia ARD Total-KOICA disbursement to agricultural-rural development to Asian recipient countries; the Totals are expressed in USD million. §: ARD percentage-% of KOICA disbursement to agricultural-rural development to all recipient countries compared to KOICA total disbursement to all sectors to all recipient countries; Asia ARD percentage-% of KOICA disbursement to agricultural-rural development in Asia compared to KOICA disbursement to agricultural-rural development in all regions.