Table 3: Asian top five countries receiving KOICA disbursements to agricultural-rural development (ARD) from 2006 to 2016, percentage of each country’s disbursement granted to ARD against Asian ARD disbursement total, percentage of top five countries total ARD disbursement against total Asian ARD disbursement.

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Ranking Country % Country % Country % Country % Country % Country %
1 # Cambodia 30.8 Cambodia 23.7 Mongolia 24.0 Philippines 38.9 Philippines 25.3 Philippines 48.7
2 Philippines 29.6 Lao PDR 23.3 Lao PDR 16.0 Lao PDR 14.5 Lao PDR 20.3 Lao PDR 13.2
3 Lao PDR 9.6 Mongolia 17.0 Cambodia 13.5 Mongolia 14.3 Cambodia 11.6 Myanmar 5.6
4 Myanmar 5.4 Philippines 13.0 Philippines 10.4 Myanmar 13.2 Bangladesh 10.8 Cambodia 5.6
5 Sri Lanka 5.4 Vietnam 5.3 Bangladesh 9.2 Vietnam 1.6 Myanmar 6.7 Mongolia 4.8
% top 5 § 80.7 82.2 73.2 82.5 74.6 78.0

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Ranking Country % Country % Country % Country % Country %
1 # Philippines 42.8 Philippines 38.8 Myanmar 29.0 Philippines 27.1 Myanmar 30.8
2 Mongolia 11.4 Myanmar 14.9 Philippines 19.2 Vietnam 18.8 Vietnam 17.4
3 Lao PDR 9.4 Afghanistan 9.7 Mongolia 11.4 Myanmar 14.4 Philippines 16.6
4 Cambodia 8.4 Mongolia 7.0 Vietnam 10.1 Cambodia 8.9 Cambodia 11.4
5 Myanmar 6.0 Indonesia 4.7 Cambodia 6.8 Lao PDR 7.4 Lao PDR 11.4
% top 5 § 78.1 75.2 76.5 76.5 87.6

Data extracted from KOICA Annual Statistical Reports and rearranged for study purpose. #: A country with largest amount received from KOICA for agricultural-rural development (ARD) is ranked 1. §: % of five countries’ total ARD disbursement against Asian total ARD disbursement as 100%.