Table 4: Frequency of appearance of each top country from 2006 to 2016, accumulated total KOICA disbursements for each country, and percentage of each country’s total against total of six countries expressed as 100%

Ranking Ranking
(Accumulated Total Amount #)
Percentage share
of Country §
(Total Appearance Frequency ¶)
Philippines 1 (69.784 #) 37.6 § 1 (11 ¶)
Myanmar 2 (38.137) 20.5 2 (9)
Lao PDR 3 (22.631) 12.2 2 (9)
Cambodia 4 (21.033) 11.3 2 (9)
Vietnam 5 (17.651) 9.5 4 (5)
Mongolia 6 (16.487) 8.9 3 (7)
Total for six countries 185.723 # 100% NA ¶

Data extracted from KOICA Annual Statistical Reports and rearranged for study purpose. #: Total amount accumulated for KOICA disbursement granted from 2006 to 2016 in USD million to each country’s agricultural-rural development sector. §: % of each country’s accumulated total against six-countries’ total as 100%. ¶: Total frequency of appearance as a top-five country in Table 2; NA-Not Applicable.