Table 6: Global hunger index (GHI) scores for six countries from 2006 to 2016 with their averaged scores across years and rankings based on averaged scores.

Ranking # Average § 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Lao PDR 1 21.9 23.8 23.2 20.6 19.0 18.9 20.2 19.7 18.7 20.1 28.5 28.1
Cambodia 2 21.8 30.7 27.6 23.2 21.2 20.9 19.9 19.6 16.8 16.1 22.6 21.7
Myanmar 3 18.4 16.2 15.8 15.0 19.6 18.8 16.3 NA § NA NA 23.5 22.0
Philippines 4 14.6 17.6 16.2 14.0 13.2 13.0 11.5 12.2 13.2 13.1 16.9 19.9
Mongolia 5 12.7 15.8 15.3 12.1 12.9 12.8 11.4 11.7 10.1 9.6 14.7 13.8
Vietnam 6 12.6 18.4 17.7 12.6 11.9 11.5 11.2 11.2 7.7 7.5 14.4 14.5

Data extracted from Global Hunger Index Reports and rearranged for study purpose.
#: GHI ranking based on each country’s GHI score average from 2006 to 2016, higher averaged score means more severe hunger of a country, therefore Lao PDR as ranking 1 the most severe in hunger.
§: GHI expressed as 0-100 scale, average means averaged scores of each country’s GHI from 2006 to 2016, NA-not available.