Table 1: Anatomical changes induced by C. michiganensis subsp michiganensis strain ІZ-38 in tomato leaves with or without PGPB pre-treatment.

Indicators Healthy Plants Infected Plants PGPB Treated Plants Infected with C. Michiganensis
Bacillus Subtilis Pseudomonas Fluorescens Azotobacter Chroococcum
Leaf blade thickness 158.1±1.42 148.1±1.67¤ 170.2±1.12*¥ 163.4±1.22*¥ 165.2±1.33*¥
Thickness of columnar mesophyll 61.2±0.56 58.1±0.19¤ 67.3±0.82*¥ 64.0±0.91*¥ 65.2±0.84*¥
Thickness of spongy mesophyll 78.5±0.42 58.7±0.74¤ 84.5±0.12*¥ 80.1±0.21*¥ 82.3±0.36*¥
Ratio of thickness of columnar and spongy mesophyll 0.78±0.04 1.09±0.06¤ 0.80±0.02* 0.79±0.02* 0.79±0.03*
Height of columnar mesophyll cells 60.2±1.0 58.8±0.84 64.8±0.8*¥ 62.3±0.6*¥ 64.4±0.6*¥
Width of columnar mesophyll cells 7.1±0.16 12.4±0.21¤ 8.6±0.12*¥ 8.2±0.10*¥ 8.0±0.08*¥
Height of spongy mesophyll cells 18.1±0.66 15.5±0.65¤ 27.4±0.56*¥ 23.6±0.60*¥ 25.6±0.63*¥
Width of spongy mesophyll cells 10.8±0.44 8.5±0.35¤ 15.0±0.42*¥ 13.8±0.40*¥ 13.4±0.40*¥
Height of the cells of upper epidermis 10.6±1.31 15.9±0.78¤ 18.2±1.28¥ 19.6±1.30¥ 19.2±1.31¥
Height of the cells of lower epidermis 7.1±0.30 9.8±0.31¤ 10.4±0.18¥ 10.6±0.20¥ 10.8±0.16*¥

* ‒ statistically significant differences between the infected plants and PGPB pre-treated plants (p<0.05), ¥ ‒ statistically significant differences between the healthy plants and PGPB pre-treated plants (p<0.05),
¤ ‒ statistically significant differences between the infected plants and the healthy plants.