Table 4: The effectiveness of cell suspensions of plant growth promoting bacteria on the content and activity of phenolic compounds in tomato plant infected with the causative agent of bacterial canker.

Treatment of Plants Phenols, mg/g Catechins, mg/g Flavonoids, mg/g Antioxidant Activity of Phenols,
Infected plants 27.4±0.2¤ 3.05±0.03¤ 1.51±0.02¤ 11.1±0.5¤
Healthy plants 22.7±0.2 2.92±0.04 1.43±0.02 6.5±0.4
Bacillus subtilis 41.0±0.6*¥ 8.14±0.05*¥ 1.68±0.03*¥ 12.6±0.4¥
Azotobacter chroococcum 54.1±0.6*¥ 14.58±0.05*¥ 2.06±0.02*¥ 14.8±0.6*¥
Pseudomonas fluorescens 33.9±0.5*¥ 5.78±0.06*¥ 1.61±0.03*¥ 13.3±0.6*¥

* ‒ statistically significant differences between the infected plants and PGPB pre-treatment plants (p<0.05), ¥ ‒ statistically significant differences between the healthy plants and PGPB pre-treatment plants (p<0.05), ¤ ‒ statistically significant differences between the infected plants and the healthy plants.