Table 9: Genetic components of variation for eleven horticultural traits in a 6×6 half diallel population of chili.

D 31.23** 70.74** 6.22** 300.04** 557.63** 4.35** 0.07** 2.41** 429.32** 0.03** 1418.07**
F 35.39** 55.20** 4.01** -83.22** -173.88** -2.07** 0.01** 0.30** 77.59** 0.03** -1002.50**
H1 3.31** -3.88** 0.63** -3.10** -129.30** 0.71** -0.01** 1.90** -22.84** 0.01** -391.18**
H2 59.11** 75.56** 26.24** 102.06** 1631.92** 2.76** 0.02** 3.63** 1015.68** 0.02** 7785.59**
h2 0.78** -25.97** 4.90** -0.75 -29.67** 3.45** -0.12** -1.52** 19.81** -0.13** -134.79**
E 7.66** 7.61** 0.58 3.94** 69.19** 0.20** 0.002** 0.002 29.64** 0.002** 313.60**
Allied components
(H1/D)0.5 0.33 0.23 0.32 0.10 0.48 0.41 0.19 0.89 0.23 0.61 0.53
H2/4H1 4.47 -4.87 10.42 -8.23 -3.16 0.98 -2.28 0.48 -11.12 0.55 -4.98
-3.70 -0.23 -158.57 6.49 1.96 0.26 0.67 1.15 0.44 96.92 5.12
h2/H2 0.01 -0.34 0.19 -0.01 -0.02 1.25 -4.88 -0.42 0.02 -5.52 -0.02
h2n 1.05 1.68 1.20 0.76 0.63 0.56 1.07 0.60 0.96 2.40 0.43

* and ** indicate significance at 5% and 1% levels respectively
D – Variance due to additive effects of genes, F – Mean of the covariance of additive and dominance effects across all arrays, H1 – Variance component due to dominance deviation, h2 – Algebraic sum of dominance effects across all loci in heterozygous phase in all crosses, E – Expected environmental component of variance, h2n – Heritability in narrow sense
DFFl – Days to first flowering, DFFr – Days to first fruiting, PHFF – Plant height at first fruiting (cm), TFFW – Ten fresh fruit weight (g), NFPP – Number of fruits per plant, FL – Fruit length (cm), FW – Fruit width (cm), TDFW – Ten dry fruit weight (g), NSPF – Number of seeds per fruit, HSW – Hundred seed weight (g), FFYPP – Fresh fruit yield per plant (g)