Table 1: Initial soil physical and chemical properties of the site before experimentation.

Soil Property 2015 2016 *Critical Values
Sand (%) 69.0 69.0
Silt (%) 13.1 13.6
Clay (%) 17.9 17.4
Textural class Sandy loam Sandy loam
pH (water) 5.62 5.68
Organic matter (%) 1.24 1.48 3.0
Total N (%) 0.16 0.15 0.20
Available P (mg kg-1) 9.8 8.9 10.0
Exchangeable K (cmol kg-1) 0.15 0.14 0.16 – 0.20
Exchangeable Ca (cmol kg-1) 1.72 1.80 2.0
Exchangeable Mg (cmol kg-1) 0.40 0.39 0.40

*critical values of soil nutrients according to Akinrinde and Obigbesan (2000).