Table 3: Effect of K fertilizer on leaf nutrient concentration of sweet potato.

K Fertilizer
(kg ha1)
(g 100g-1)
(g 100g-1)
(g 100g-1)
(g 100g-1)
(g 100g-1)
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
0.0 2.24d 2.20e 0.16e 0.14e 1.26c 1.20c 1.23a 1.20a 0.72a 0.68a
40.0 2.31c 2.28d 0.17d 0.15d 1.38b 1.31b 1.20b 1.18b 0.69b 0.67b
80.0 2.36b 2.35c 0.18c 0.16c 2.50a 2.46a 1.18c 1.14c 0.60c 0.63c
120.0 2.41a 2.40b 0.19b 0.17b 2.49a 2.45a 1.16d 1.10d 0.58d 0.54e
160.0 2.42a 2.48a 0.20a 0.18a 2.49a 2.44a 1.14e 1.04e 0.56e 0.50e

Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test