Table 4: Effect of K fertilizer on growth and tuber yield of sweet potato.

K Fertilizer
(kg ha1)
Tuber Yield (t ha-1) Vine Length (m) Vine Weight (t ha-1) Number of Leaves/Plant
2015 2016 Mean 2015 2016 Mean 2015 2016 Mean 2015 2016 Mean
0.0 10.1d 10.8c 10.5c 1.30c 1.60c 1.45c 1.18c 1.24c 1.21c 166c 178c 172c
40.0 17.6c 17.2b 17.4b 2.60b 2.07ab 2.34b 1.50b 2.07b 1.79b 250b 252b 251b
80.0 23.5a 25.7a 24.6a 2.80a 2.11a 2.46a 2.22a 2.46a 2.34a 311a 325a 318a
120.0 23.4ab 25.5a 24.5a 2.61b 2.01b 2.31b 2.21a 2.45a 2.33a 310a 322a 316a
160.0 22.9a 24.8a 23.9a 2.60b 2.07b 2.34b 2.20a 2.45a 2.33a 308a 320a 314a

Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test