Table 1: Geographical regions in terms of original sites including their altitude (m) and annual rainfall (mm) in which the 16 F. sycomorus genotypes were collected.

Genotype Code Original Site Altitude (m) Annual Rainfall (mm) References
F. sycomor 1 Lattakia 4.5 650-700 [2]
F. sycomor 2 Lattakia 6.5 650-700 Current study
F. sycomor 3 Lattakia 6.3 650-700 [2]
F. sycomor 4 Lattakia 6.5 650-700 Current study
F. sycomor 5 Lattakia 5 650-700 Current study
F. sycomor 6 Lattakia 5 650-700 Current study
F. sycomor 7 Lattakia 5 650-700 Current study
F. sycomor 8 Lattakia 5 650-700 Current study
F. sycomor 9 Lattakia 4 650-700 Current study
F. sycomor 10 Lattakia 6.3 650-700 [2]
F. sycomor 11 Lattakia 5 650-700 Current study
F. sycomor 12 Jableh 11.8 650-700 [2]
F. sycomor 13 Banyas 10 700-750 [2]
F. sycomor 14 Banyas 220 ~850 [2]
F. sycomor 15 Banyas 12 700-750 Current study
F. sycomor 16 Banyas 250 ~850 [2]