Table 1: Variables, definitions and source of data.

Data Identifier Source Definition and Measurement
Poverty POV WDI Poverty was captured by Poverty headcount which is measured by the number of people living below the poverty line (ratio at national poverty line % of the total population)
Agriculture Development AGRIVAD WDI Agriculture development is proxied by agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Employment EMPLOY WDI Employment in this study was proxied by Employment in agriculture, the labor force in agriculture which is the total number of people (male and female) who engages in the sector and it was measured as % of total employment (Dahiya, 2012)
Human development EDU WDI Government expenditure on education, total (% of government expenditure)
HEALTH Health expenditure, public (% of government expenditure)
Dependency Ratio ADEPR WDI Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population)
Population POP WDI Population refers to the total number of people living in a country.

Source: Authors’ Compilation, 2018. Note: WDI means World Development Indicator