Table 5: Results of the antimicrobial activity study of the lipophylic extracts from the shoots of the willow species.

1% Alcohol Solution of a Lipophylic Extract Inhibition Zones Diameter. mm.
n=6. Р=0.95
Staphylococcus aureus
АТСС 25923
АТСС 25922
Proteus Vulgaris ATCC 4636 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
АТСС 27853
АТСС 6633
Candida Albicans ATCC 653/885
1. Salix
cinerea L
30.0 ±0.6 29.8±0.5 22.7±0.3 25.0 ±0.5 30.9 ±0.3 27.2 ±0.5
2. Salix
incana Schrank
30.0 ±0.5 30.0 ±0.3 23.2±0.5 25.0 ±0.5 31.0±0.3 26.0 ±0.3
3. Salix
cаprea L
31.3±0.5 29.0 ±0.5 24.5 ±0.3 26.2±0.5 31.5±0.5 27.0±0.5
4. Salix sachalinensis F. Schmidt. 31.5±0.5 21.4±0.3 20.1±0.3 21.0 ±0.5 31.3±0.5 19.2 ±0.5
5. Salix
acutifolia L.
29.2±0.3 29.5 ±0.5 19.8±0.5 21.5 ±0.2 26.5±0.6 25.3±0.5
6. Salix
fragilis L.
28.9±0.5 30.2±0.3 19.0±0.2 22. ±0.5 30.0±0.5 23.2±0.5
7. Salix.
caspica Pall.
29.2±0.3 28.2±0.5 17.8±0.5 22.2±0.5 26.5±0.5 22.3±0.2
8. Salix rosmarinifolia L. 30.2±0.5 27.8±0.5 20.2±0.4 23.0±0.5 31.1±0.4 22.3±0.5
9. Salix myrsinifolia Salisb. 24.5±0.3 28.0 ±0.5 21.0±0.5 20.0±0.3 34.3±0.5 24.0 ±0.5