Table 2: Temperature, pH and microbial load of the water samples from various fish ponds in Ile-Ife, Osun State.

Pond type Temperature °C pH Total heterotrophic Count (CFU/ml) Total Coliform Count (CFU/ml)
C1 25 7.1 4.9×104 5.4×104
C2 27 7.8 4.9×104 4.8×104
E1 25 8.5 5.4×104 5.4×104
E2 28 8.8 2.5×104 1.5×104
T1 28 8.1 2.2×104 1.9×104
T2 27 9.0 1.9×104 1.4×104

C1= Concrete pond 1, C2= Concrete pond 2, E1= Earthen pond 1, E2= Earthen pond 2, T2=Tank pond 1, T2=Tank pond 2