Table 8: Maximum likelihood estimates of the common stochastic production in the technical inefficiency model.

Variable Name Parameter Coefficient Standard Error Z P>|z|
Constant δ0 -8.47 5.91 -1.43 0.15
Farmer’s age (Z1) δ1 0.161 0.1005 1.60 0.10
Farmer’s experience (Z2) δ2 -0.117 0.082 -1.41 0.16
Education dummy (Z3) δ3 1.453 1.797 0.81 0.42
Variable Parameters
Sigma-square σ2 0.98 0.11 9.26**
Gamma γ 0.37 0.10 3.80**
Log likelihood -176.92
Mean of exp (−Ui) 0.78