Table 3: Perioperative hemodynamic data obtained at each time point.

Data are means ± SD. T0 : supine two lung ventilation after induction; T1: lateral decubitus position and two lung ventilation; T2: lateral decubitus position and one-lung ventilation; T3–T14: every 5 min after decortication up to 60 min; T15: end of surgery. HR: heart rate (beats/min); MAP: mean arterial pressure (mmHg); CVP: central venous pressure (mmHg); CO: cardiac output (L/min); CI: cardiac index (L/min/m2); SV: stroke volume (ml/beat); SVI: stroke volume index (ml/m2/beat); SVR: systemic vascular resistance (−5), SVRI: systemic vascular resistance index (−5.m2), SVV: stroke volume variation (%).a P < 0.05 vsT0,bP < 0.01 vs T0 .