Table 2: Time taken to perform block, time to complete sensory and motor block and block duration.

Variable Group P (n=28) Group G (n=28) P-Value
Time taken to perform block (min) 11±3.8 18.15±4.7 <0.001⃰
Time to complete sensory block (min) 12.3 ± 1.3 17.2 ± 1.61 <0.001⃰
Time to complete motor block(min) 23±1.5 26.63± 2.57 <0.001⃰
Block duration (hours) 11.185± 3.65 10.04± 1.39 0.13

Data are presented as mean (SD). Patients in the group P had a shorter time to perform the block and to achieve sensory and motor block, longer block duration and less overall complications when compared to patients in group G, while none of the patients in both groups showed signs or symptoms of Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST). However, the block in group G was more preferred by the surgeons (Tables 2 and 3).