Table 3: Comparison of operative and postoperative outcomes between the studied groups.

Groups Tests of Significance
Group I
Group II
N % N % P value
Forced Duction Test Negative palsy 13 48.1% 6 22.2% 0.046*
Mechanical restriction: resistance
14 51.9% 21 77.8%
Muscle Stretch Abnormal 3 11.1% 22 81.5% <0.001*
Normal 24 88.9% 5 18.5%
Need for Sedation No 27 100.0% 10 37.0% <0.001*
Yes 0 0.0% 17 63.0%
Oculo-Cardiac Reflex No 27 100.0% 18 66.7% 0.002*
Yes 0 0.0% 9 33.3%
Postoperative Alignment Aligned 27 100.0% 26 96.3% 1.00
Not aligned 0 0.0% 1 3.7%
Patient Satisfaction No 0 0.0% 20 74.1% <0.001*
Yes 27 100.0% 7 25.9%
Postoperative Analgesia Need 0 0.0% 13 48.1% <0.001*
No 27 100.0% 14 51.9%
Pain Score Minimum-Maximum 0.0-2.0 3.0-5.0 <0.001*
Median 1.0 4.0
IQR 0.0-2.0 3.0-5.0
Mean rank 14.0 41.0

*significant at p<0.05