Table 1: Murray score (Lung injury score) [5].

1. Chest roentgenogram score 3.PEEP score (when ventilated)
No alveolar consolidation 0 PEEP 5 cm H2O 0
Alveolar consolidation confined to
1 quadrant
1 PEEP 6-8 cm H2O 1
Alveolar consolidation confined to
2 quadrant
2 PEEP 9-11 cm H2O 2
Alveolar consolidation confined to
3 quadrant
3 PEEP 12-14 cm H2O 3
Alveolar consolidation in all 4 quadrant 4 PEEP 15 cm H2O 4
2. Hypoxemia score 4. Respiratory system compliance score
(when available)
PaO2/FiO2 300 0 Compliance 80 ml/cmH2O 0
PaO2/FiO2 225-299 1 Compliance 60-79 ml/cmH2O 1
PaO2/FiO2 175-224 2 Compliance 40-59 ml/cmH2O 2
PaO2/FiO2 100-174 3 Compliance 20-39 ml/cmH2O 3
PaO2/FiO2 < 100 4 Compliance 19 ml/cmH2O 4

The final value was obtained by dividing the aggregate sum by 4 or 3(i.e. the number of components that were used), hence the highest score is four and the least is zero.
PaO2/FiO2= arterial oxygen tension to inspired oxygen concentration ratio.
PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure.