Table 2: Demographic characteristics of the study groups.

Treatment Groups (number = 26 for each)
A (saline N) B (H saline N) C (saline IV) D (H saline IV) P-value*
Age in year (Mean ± SD) 40.4 (6.2) 41.3 (5.6) 43.2 (6.1) 39.5 (9.4) 0.269
Body weight in kg (Mean ± SD) 81.7 (6.5) 82.2 (5.9) 84.4 (5.8) 83.5 (4.6) 0.317
Male/Female 11/15 14/12 13/13 16/10 0.572

Group A (saline N): Standard pharmacotherapy +normal saline 0.9% (5ml) nebulizer /8hr.
Group B (H saline N): Standard pharmacotherapy + hypertonic saline 3% (5ml) nebulizer /8hr
Group C (saline IV):Standard pharmacotherapy + normal saline 0.9% (500ml) intravenous /24hr
Group D (A saline IV Standard pharmacotherapy + hypertonic saline 3% (500ml) intravenous /24hr
Abbreviations: SD: standard deviation.
* ANOVA with Least Significant Difference test was used for between-group comparisons of means and x2 test for comparison of proportions. Significance level was at P-value ≤0.05