Table 2: LCI and CA content values. Data are expressed in milligrams per gram (mg.g-1 of dry matter of leave tissue, mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three determinations).

Species Sampling Site LCI Content CA Content
S. filiforme Guadeloupe, French West Indies 23-25a 0.94–5.26 b
S. isoetifolium Palk Bay, India Present, nd 4.06
C. nodosa Canary Island, Spain
Cadiz, Spain
Alfacs Bay, Spain
Monastir, Tunisia,
Zeytineli, Turkey
35.0 ± 0.3
32.9 ± 0.6
22.2 ± 0.1
31.6 ± 0.6
25.0± 0.2
27.44± 0.42c
C. rotundata Palk Bay, India Present, nd 0.39
C. serrulata Palk Bay, India Present, nd 0.96
Halodule pinifolia Palk Bay, India Present, nd 6.15

Values from our previous works are given in bold character a [24]; b [25]; c [26]; nd: non quantified