Table 13: Summary Montbau neighborhood without rehabilitating, year 25. Total consumption of heating energy, CO2 eq and economic scenario of 6%.

No rehabilitate year 25 Type of building Number of households Constructed area Heating energyn kWh/m2 Total heating energy kWh EmissionsKg CO2 eq/m2 Total emissions de Kg CO2 eq Heating energy cost 6% €/m2 Total Coste energía de calefacción al 6% €
BUILDING A Duplex 32 3.954 1.267,19 5.010.469 348,72 1.378.839 197,84 782.259
BUILDING B linear 50 4.350 1.099,62 4.783.347 302,92 1.317.702 172,69 751.202
BUILDING C - D linear 56 5.220 1.099,62 5.740.016 302,92 1.581.242 172,69 901.442
BUILDING E - F linear 140 8.960 1.099,62 9.852.595 302,92 2.714.163 172,69 1.547.302
BUILDING G linear 140 9.733 1.099,62 10.702.601 302,92 2.948.320 172,69 1.680.792
BUILDING H linear 150 10.552 1.099,62 11.603.190 302,92 3.196.412 172,69 1.822.225
BUILDING I linear 142 8.958 1.099,62 9.850.396 302,92 2.713.557 172,69 1.546.957
BUILDING J linear 40 3.398 1.099,62 3.736.509 302,92 1.029.322 172,69 586.801
BUILDING K linear 51 4.036 1.099,62 4.438.066 302,92 1.222.585 172,69 696.977
BUILDING L linear 30 1.798 1.099,62 1.977.117 302,92 544.650 172,69 310.497
BUILDING N Duplex 120 13.504 1.267,19 17.112.134 348,72 4.709.115 197,84 2.671.631
SINGLE FAMILY 14 single family 14 1.353 1.307,40 1.768.912 358,68 485.294 200,47 271.236
SINGLE FAMILY 52 single family 52 7.366 1.307,40 9.630.308 358,68 2.642.037 200,47 1.476.662
BUILDING P linear 387 33.361 1.099,62 36.684.423 302,92 10.105.714 172,69 5.761.111
BUILDING Q tower 504 39.150 1.065,23 41.703.755 293,29 11.482.304 166,78 6.529.437
BUILDING R linear 51 4.713 1.099,62 5.182.509 302,92 1.427.662 172,69 813.888
TOTAL 1.959 160.406 179.776.348 49.498.919 28.150.418