Table 15: Summary Montbau neighborhood rehabilitated with optimal solutions, year 25. Total consumption of heating energy, CO2 eq and economic scenario of 6%.

Rehabilitate year 25 Type of building Number of households Constructed area Heating energyn kWh/m2 Total heating energy kWh EmissionsKg CO2 eq/m2 Total emissions de Kg CO2 eq Heating energy cost 6% €/m2 Total Coste energía de calefacción al 6% €
BUILDING A Duplex 32 3.954 699,01 2.763.886 205,03 810.689 223,68 884.431
BUILDING B linear 50 4.350 584,77 2.543.750 176,60 768.210 266,41 1.158.884
BUILDING C - D linear 56 5.220 584,77 3.052.499 176,60 921.852 266,41 1.390.660
BUILDING E - F linear 140 8.960 584,77 5.239.539 176,60 1.582.336 266,41 2.387.034
BUILDING G linear 140 9.733 584,77 5.691.566 176,60 1.718.848 266,41 2.592.969
BUILDING H linear 150 10.552 584,77 6.170.493 176,60 1.863.483 266,41 2.811.158
BUILDING I linear 142 8.958 584,77 5.238.370 176,60 1.581.983 266,41 2.386.501
BUILDING J linear 40 3.398 584,77 1.987.048 176,60 600.087 266,41 905.261
BUILDING K linear 51 4.036 584,77 2.360.132 176,60 712.758 266,41 1.075.231
BUILDING L linear 30 1.798 584,77 1.051.416 176,60 317.527 266,41 479.005
BUILDING N Duplex 120 13.504 699,01 9.439.431 205,03 2.768.725 223,68 3.020.575
SINGLE FAMILY 14 single family 14 1.353 1.053,49 1.425.372 329,42 445.705 301,83 408.376
SINGLE FAMILY 52 single family 52 7.366 1.053,49 7.760.007 329,42 2.426.508 301,83 2.223.280
BUILDING P linear 387 33.361 584,77 19.508.512 176,60 5.891.553 266,41 8.887.704
BUILDING Q tower 504 39.150 742,36 29.063.394 211,73 8.289.230 258,66 10.126.539
BUILDING R linear 51 4.713 584,77 2.756.021 176,60 832.316 266,41 1.255.590
TOTAL 1.959 160.406 106.051.437 31.531.808 41.993.197