Table 1: Measurement of material losses and consumption and labor productivity.

Indicator Equation Detailing Reference
Material Unitary Consumption - CUM EST (VI) = quantity of material in stock at the verification initial date, measured in kg.
EST (VF) = quantity of material in stock at the verification final date, measured in kg.
FORN = amount of material received between VI and VF in kg.
TRANSF = a mount of material delivered (negative signal) or received (positive signal) between VI and VF.
QS = amount of service performed between VI and VF, measured in m2.
VI = date for initial verification.
VF = date for final verification.
As for the cladding with application of the industrialized mortar, the unit consumption is the amount of anhydrous mortar required to execute a cladding of 1m2.
Percentage of the portion of losses -
IP (%)
CTeo = theoretical consumption, in kg.
CTeo = Cref x Qs
Cref = reference consumption, in kg/m2.
Cref = esp x Cref1cm
esp = average thickness of the layer to be coated, in centimeters.
Cref1cm = consumption required for execution of 1m2 for a thickness of 1cm (given by manufacturer)
Production Unitary Relation - RUP M’hr = Man-hours of team demanded for the job. [19]

Source: Elaborated by the authors.