Table 1: Fundamental integrated components of LPC.

Components Description Purpose
Master Plan This stage is used to achieve an over-all plan and recognizes the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for all the work packages of the project showing the hierarchy of the activities level by level, the duration for tasks and sequences [22]. It covers main milestones, where the date is decided by applying the pull procedure from next milestones. ▪ Validate the practicality of finishing the work within the offered time.
▪ Present a completing scheme which can function as a main coordinating tool, and
▪ Decide at what time long lead items will be required.
Phase Planning This stage is used to divide the master plan into different stages to improve further detailed and information work plans and supply objectives that could be deliberated as targets by the project manager. ▪ Shape work plan features in the best achievable details and rate for satisfying project objectives within the power of the organization in time.
Look Ahead Planning This stage is used to focus management awareness on what is assumed to occur concurrently in the future and to motivate actions in the current time that required future. It represents a transitional phase of planning. This timetable covers key work elements that should be accomplished to achieve the milestone times in the main pull schedule. ▪ Mapping manpower and other resources with workflow,
▪ Harvest a backlog of tasks for frontline crew superintendent screened for design and finishing of the predefined work,
▪ Assemble interdependent tasks together, thus the work statement planned for entire procedure jointly by multiple trades.
Weekly Work Plan (WWP) This stage concern is to make production tasks cooperative arrangement for the succeeding day or week thru weekly meetings. The WWP meeting includes the weekly plans, safety concerns, quality issue, resources, construction techniques, and any posable problems. ▪ Recognize real actions and check their feasibility earlier to task execution so as to shield construction units from ambiguity.
▪ Optimize the use of the construction unit’s capability and recognize individual’s differences based on the timetable loads.
Percent Plan Completed (PPC) In this stage, the project planning is improved by continual valuation and knowledge from breakdown. The PPC is the degree of the proportion of potentials made that are provided on time. The PPC can be computed as the number of tasks that are finished as planned divided by the total number of planned tasks, and it is shown as a percentage. ▪ Assist in the incessant enhancement of the construction project as efforts are made to avoid the reoccurrence of issues.
▪ Determine the reasons for the non-achievement of tasks immediately during analysing PPC.