Table 5: Company information.

General Information Categories Frequency Percentage%
Company Age (Years) Less than 5 years 0 ––
5- Less than 10years 11 11.22
10- Less than 15years 28 28.57
More than 15 years 59 60.20
Company size (according to the number of permanent employees) (1-4) very small 2 2.04
(5-19) small 61 62.24
(20-49) medium 26 26.53
(>50) large 9 9.18
Capital of the company Less than $100,000 15 15.31
$ 100,000-$250,000 21 21.43
Number of completed projects worked in during last five years 1-5 projects 11 11.22
6-10 projects 21 21.43
11-15 projects 43 43.88
More than 15 projects 23 23.47