Table 1: Demographic data on cases with dementia in the elderly and healthy controls.

Case Age Gender MMSE Disease
Duration (y)
in Atrophy*
1 85 M 20 2 L (-)
2 82 F 25 6 L (-)
3 82 M 22 6 L (-)
4 87 M 14 11 L (-)
5 81 M 18 5 (-) (-)
6 83 F 15 1 (-) (-)
7 85 M 28 7 (-) (-)
HC (n=12) 71.8±8.7 M/F=7/5 28.8±1.3 n.a. (-) (-)

* Dominantly affected side of hippocampus on MRI
HC: Healthy Controls, n.a.: not available