Fig. (5) Delayed release of ciprofloxacin from madurahydroxylactone coatings. The specific absorption of ciprofloxacin (A) and madurahydroxylactone (B) in PBS at 320 nm and 480 nm, respectively, was determined by a linear regression analysis. Time dependent ciprofloxacin release from zirconium bead coatings with ciprofloxacin (squares); release from mixed coatings containing ciprofloxacin and madurahydroxylactone (triangles) or from the dried solvent DMSO (crosses); release of madurahydroxylactone from madurahydroxylactone coatings (diamonds). The coated beads were incubated in PBS at 37°C. The buffer was exchanged each day and the OD480 and OD320 determined to calculate the release of ciprofloxacin and madurahydroxylactone, respectively (C).