Table 4: The Average Translation (x,y,z) RMS Errors and the Normalized Translation Errors for the Tibia Coordinate System Relative to the Femoral Coordinate System for Each Knee During each Simulation. Normalized Error Values for Each Simulation were Added for all Three Knees. Note: The Top Three Values in each Column are Shown in Bold

Tibia xyz Knee #1 Knee #2 Knee #3 Norm Sum
RMS Norm RMS Norm RMS Norm
1 7.25 0.062 6.42 0.187 N/A N/A N/A
2 7.31 0.069 5.69 0.123 45.26 1 1.19
3 8.77 0.263 5.30 0.890 18.73 0.357 0.710
4 8.33 0.205 5.43 0.101 7. 21 0.078 0.383
5 12.23 0.724 5.41 0.099 4.00 0 0.823
6 7.61 0.110 5.36 0.095 N/A N/A N/A
7 8.94 0.286 15.72 1 34.96 0.750 2.04
8 7.84 0.140 4.28 0 N/A N/A N/A
9 7.65 0.115 8.85 0.400 31.12 0.657 1.17
10 8.54 0.234 5.13 0.074 43.24 0.951 1.26
11 6.79 0 6.40 0.185 40.30 0.880 1.06
12 7.89 0.147 4.29 0.001 5.53 0.037 0.185
13 14.31 1 8.93 0.406 13.77 0.237 1.64
14 8.04 0.166 4.57 0.025 8.92 0.119 0.311
15 7.58 0.106 6.79 0.193 26.96 0.556 0.855