Fig. (10 I-P) Immunocytochemical detection of phospho-Src in TamR cells. Cells were incubated with 0.1 µL mL-1 DMSO (I & J), 1 µL mL-1 fish oil (K & L), 25 µM PD98059 and 5 µM LY294002 (M & N) or 1 µL mL-1 fish oil, 25µM PD98059 and 5µM LY294002 (O & P) for 3h. Cell were grown to 70% confluency on TESPA coated glass coverslips and fixed using formal saline. Primary antibody was Cell Signal Technology phospho-Src rabbit primary antibody at 1/40 for 2h. Secondary antibody was DAKO Rabbit EnVision peroxidase labeled polymer antibody for 2h. Magnification: I, K, M, x 10, O x 20 and J, L, N, P x 40. Passage numbers were 15, 19 and 30.