Table 1: Kinetic Parameters of Mutant and Wild-Type Thymidine Kinases

HSV TK A168Y A168F
Km (µM) 1.06a 1.18 1.70
kcat (s-1) 40.30 0.83 51.00
kcat/Km (s-1/µM) 38.02 0.70 30.00
Km (μM) 45.50 45.80 8.60
kcat (s-1) 55.30 6.00 91.10
kcat/Km (s-1/µM) 1.22 0.13 10.59
Relative Specificityb 0.03 0.16 0.26

a Values are the averages of at least three independent measurements. Standard error of the means are within a range of ± 20%.
b Relative Specificity = (kcat/Km (GCV))/((kcat/Km (GCV)) + (kcat/Km (dT))).