Table 3: Average Distance Values (Standard Deviations in Parentheses) Between the Equivalent Cα Atoms for Different Amino Acid Types, After Optimal Superposition of 109 Non-Redundant Pairs of Proteins. Superpositions were made with CE, DALI, and PROFIT. When the PDB entry corresponding to a NMR structure contains several models, values were averaged. The values reported in the table are thus averages of averages.

Residue Type CE mean(std) (Å) DALI mean(std) (Å) PROFIT mean(std) (Å)
Ala 1.41(0.05) 1.80(0.05) 2.55(0.17)
Arg 1.61(0.06) 1.71(0.06) 2.18(0.17)
Asn 1.57(0.06) 1.87(0.06) 2.40(0.14)
Asp 1.65(0.06) 1.90(0.06) 2.64(0.18)
Cys 1.23(0.06) 1.42(0.07) 1.27(0.07)
Glu 1.54(0.05) 1.87(0.06) 2.20(0.16)
Gln 1.49(0.07) 1.80(0.07) 2.09(0.17)
Gly 1.85(0.06) 2.03(0.05) 2.38(0.12)
His 1.58(0.11) 1.78(0.10) 2.04(0.27)
Ile 1.24(0.05) 1.55(0.05) 1.80(0.12)
Leu 1.28(0.04) 1.72(0.05) 1.83(0.10)
Lys 1.56(0.05) 1.76(0.05) 2.32(0.15)
Met 1.55(0.10) 1.87(0.11) 2.14(0.25)
Phe 1.23(0.06) 1.56(0.06) 1.79(0.16)
Pro 1.70(0.09) 2.00(0.08) 2.50(0.20)
Ser 1.66(0.06) 1.80(0.05) 2.37(0.14)
Thr 1.48(0.06) 1.74(0.06) 1.96(0.11)
Trp 1.26(0.11) 1.76(0.11) 2.78(0.42)
Tyr 1.39(0.07) 1.76(0.08) 2.22(0.15)
Val 1.18(0.04) 1.54(0.05) 1.77(0.11)
Overall 1.48(0.07) 1.76(0.07) 2.16(0.17)