Table 5: Mean RMSD of Loops of Different Length and Differently Involved in Crystal Packing Contacts in the Solid State. Standard deviations of the mean are shown in parentheses. The length of the loop is measured by the number of residues (nres). Superpositions were made with PROFIT. The measure for the crystal packing contacts is number of residues that are involved in crystal packing interactions (ncpc). Therefore ncpcnres. When the PDB entry corresponding to a NMR structure contains several models, all of them are considered separately.

nres ncpc Number of Examples RMSD_100 (std) (Å) nres ncpc Number of Examples RMSD_100 (std) (Å)
3 0 46 1.18(0.07) 6 3 10 0.62(0.04)
3 1 106 0.91(0.02) 6 4 54 1.11(0.08)
3 2 155 0.94(0.02) 6 5 4 1.33(0.09)
3 3 149 0.99(0.04) 6 6 50 1.09(0.03)
4 0 26 0.60(0.05) 7 0 10 1.13(0.00)
4 1 24 0.73(0.05) 7 4 3 0.50(0.03)
4 2 73 1.39(0.02) 7 6 23 1.14(0.08)
4 3 117 1.06(0.02) 7 7 10 1.09(0.01)
4 4 174 1.12(0.01) 8 0 10 1.31(0.01)
5 2 84 1.21(0.04) 8 2 20 0.94(0.01)
5 3 108 0.92(0.02) 8 5 1 1.47(0)
5 4 85 0.80(0.03) 8 6 1 1.19(0)
5 5 91 1.10(0.03) 9 7 23 1.02(0.02)
6 1 10 1.50(0.00) 9 8 40 1.71(0.09)