Table 1: Oligonucleotide Primers Used

Name of the Oligo Primer Sequence of the Oligo Primer For Cloning

Msndk-f2 cggggtaccgtgactgagcggaccctcgtacttatcaagcc MsNDK ORF cloning
Msndk-r2 ccggaattcggcggtggcctcgccggg MsNDK ORF cloning
MsNDK-H117Qf cacgcaggacaatctcgtgcagggttccgattc MsNDK-H117Q cloning
MsNDK-H117Qr ctcgggcgaatcggaaccgtccacgagattg MsNDK-H117Q cloning

Note: Restriction enzyme sites are underlined. The mutation introduced is given in bold nucleotide letters.