Fig. (15) Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) patterns of lipopolysaccharide Ra from Salmonella minnesota strain R60. The broad scattering profiles characteristic for the existence of an extended bilayer (form factor). Additionally, the small scattering peaks in the low srange could be indicative for the existence of a cubic structure. The logarithm of the scattering intensity is plotted versus the scattering vector s (=1/d, d = spacings of the reflections). Own unpublished data. (B). Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) patterns of lipopolysaccharide Re from Salmonella minnesota strain R595 in the presence of an antimicrobial peptide EU#36. The sharp reflection in equidistant ratios are characteristic for the existence of a multilamellar aggregate. The logarithm of the scattering intensity is plotted versus the scattering vector s (=1/d, d = spacings of the reflections). Own unpublished data.