Table 2: Identification of not aligned inserts in human GIs in comparison to 38 other species with different times of speciation.

Specie Accession Number of GIs with indels Number of GIs containing lncRNAs overlapping indels Number of lncRNAs overlapping indels Number of unique lncRNA insertion events after speciation Estimated Divergence Time from H. sapiens (MYA)
Chimpanzee PanTro5 2 1 1 1 6.65
Bonobo PanPan1 5 1 1 0 6.65
Gorilla GorGor5 5 1 1 0 9.06
Orangutan PonAbe2 7 3 5 4 15.76
Green Monkey ChlSab2 38 10 21 16 29.44
Crab-eating macaque MacFas5 39 10 21 0 29.44
Rhesus RheMac8 46 13 24 3 29.44
Baboon PapAnu2 60 15 26 2 29.44
Marmoset CalJac3 91 37 174 148 43.2
Squirrel monkey SaiBol1 125 59 253 79 43.2
Tarsier TarSyr2 148 72 314 61 67.1
Mouse lemur MicMur2 151 73 326 12 74.0
Bushbaby OtoGar3 157 75 357 31 74.0
Malayan flying lemur GalVar1 158 75 361 4 76.0
Mouse Mm10 163 82 374 13 90.0
Rat Rn6 163 82 374 0 90.0
Naked mole-rat HetGla2 163 82 374 0 90.0
Rabbit OryCun2 164 82 380 6 90.0
Pig SusScr3 165 82 380 0 96.0
Cow BosTau8 166 84 381 1 96.0
Bison BisBis1 182 94 420 39 96.0
Sheep OviAri3 182 94 420 0 96.0
Dolphin TurTru2 185 95 430 10 96.0
Alpaca VicPac2 185 95 434 4 96.0
Horse EquCab2 185 96 438 4 96.0
Dog CanFam3 197 108 514 76 96.0
Ferret MusFur1 197 108 518 4 96.0
Cat FelCat8 199 108 520 2 96.0
Chinese pangolin ManPen1 228 124 638 118 96.0
Manatee TriMan1 232 131 671 33 105.0
Wallaby MacEug2 341 218 1,199 528 159.0
Opossum MonDom5 343 220 1,211 12 159.0
Platypus OrnAna2 678 445 2,387 1,176 177.0
Chicken GalGal5 765 509 2,752 365 312.0
Golden eagle AquChr2 840 567 2,979 227 312.0
Brown kiwi AptMan1 1,108 758 3,975 996 312.0
X. tropicalis XenTro7 2,136 1,497 7,666 3,691 352.0
Zebrafish DanRer10 4,076 3,072 16,024 8,358 435.0