Table 2: CAD and non-CAD clinical core laboratory characterization and biomarker´s comparison.

CAD Urea Creatinine Uric Acid Total CK TGP (ALT) Albumin Total Protein TGO (AST) GGT Glucose Triglycerides Cholesterol HDL-c VLDL-c LDL-c
n 30 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
Mean 41.97 0.99 3.63 120.74 22.98 3.67 7.03 25.00 38.61 119.94 129.26 170.55 51.65 26.38 90.19
S.D. 18.63 0.04 0.75 55.22 11.64 0.52 0.74 12.76 26.67 46.40 64.39 42.71 13.90 13.18 39.26
non-CAD Urea Creatinine Uric Acid Total CK TGP (ALT) Albumin Total Protein TGO (AST) GGT Glucose Triglycerides Cholesterol HDL-c VLDL-c LDL-c
n 34 34 31 34 34 33 33 34 33 34 34 34 34 34 34
Mean 29.82 0.84 4.15 141.0 24.79 3.89 6.92 27.03 33.65 96.18 122.7 178.1 56.18 24.50 97.44
S.D. 11.22 0.11 0.95 83.37 11.50 0.45 0.78 10.50 31.06 21.59 66.31 34.23 17.17 13.25 34.59
p 0.0387 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.0140 NS 0.006 NS NS 0.009

Data are shown as media and Standard Deviation (S.D). Significance difference was accepted when p < 0.05; Statistical inference by two-tailed unpaired t test. NS= not significant; n= number of cases.