Table 2: Influence of vitamin F against AA induced toxicity on lipid profile and kidney function markers of rats.

Treatments Triglycerides
(mg /dl)
Creatinine (mg/dl) Cholesterol (mg/dl) Urea
Per se LA 40
AA + LA 5
AA + LA 10
AA + LA 20
AA + LA 40
70.00 ± 3.86
64.00 ± 3.53
129.7 ± 7.17#
104.7 ± 5.78
86.56 ± 4.78*
84.62 ± 4.67*
90.00 ± 4.97*
38.70 ± 2.13
45.00 ± 2.48
150.0 ± 8.29#
126.4 ± 6.98
110.3 ± 6.09*
78.70± 4.35*
82.90 ± 4.58*
31.00 ± 1.71
36.00 ± 1.99
78.00 ± 4.31#
61.42 ± 3.39*
60.49 ± 3.34*
52.50 ± 2.90*
53.05 ± 2.93*
0.12 ± 0.006
0.20 ± 0.011
0.85 ± 0.047#
0.70 ± 0.038*
0.66 ± 0.036*
0.50 ± 0.027* 0.60 ± 0.033*
Anova (F Value) 22.48@ 69.41@ 32.73@ 85.28@

Values are mean + S.E., N = 6. # P < 0.05 vs control group, * P < 0.05 vs AA administered group.
ANOVA (F values) @ = Significant, ns= Non significant at 5% level.