Table 2: The effect of NKA-9 on the Coagulation System Indicators of Severe Neonatal Jaundice Blood from 6 Cases

Biochemical Parameters of Blood Clotting System Unit Initial—End Value P-Value Clinical Ref. Value
Pro-time (PT) s 17.85~40.22 P>0.20 11~14.5
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) s 72.03~88.70 P>0.20 26.5~41.5
Fibrinogen (Fib) g/L 1.83~0.83 P>0.05 2.0~4.0
Thormbin Time (TT) s 25.78~33.65 P<0.05 14.0~21.0