Fig. (2) Flower development stages of ‘Jinsi No.4’ jujube. A-C, Jujube flower showing the bud period with f0, f1 and f2. D-E, Jujube flower showing the period of bud split with five sepals and petals. F-G, Jujube flower showing the period of sepal spread with one stigma, five petals located between the sepals and five stamens attached to the edge of the nectary disk. H, Jujube flower showing the period of petal spread with one stigma, and five filament and anthers. I, Jujube flower showing the period of stamen spread. J, Jujube flower showing the period of filament wilting. K, Jujube flower showing the period of ovary inflated. L, Jujube flower showing the flower dysplasia. an: anther; s: sepal; sti: stigma; p:petal; st: stamen; ov: ovary; fi: filament; fd: flower disc; fs: flower stalk. f0, f1 and f2 represent 0, 1 and 2 level flowers of inflorescence, respectively.