Table 5: Fatty acid content of S. obliquus in phototrophic and mixotrophic culture in artificial and urban wastewater.

Culture Mode Culture Medium SAF (% wt) MUFA (% wt) PUFA (% wt) LCSF
(% wt)
phototrophic AW 69.10 25.83 5.00 2.98
WW 64.19 25.00 10.80 3.33
Mixotrophic AW 48.60 34.75 16.63 2.77
WW 62.30 25.30 12.4 2.55

*(AW): Artificial wastewater; (WW): Domestic wastewater. SFA-Saturated Fatty Acid. MUFA-Monounsaturated Fatty Acid. PUFA-Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid. LCSF-Long Chain Saturation Factor. Values are average of triplicate.