Table 1: The main effect of plant spacing and NP fertilizers rates on phenology and growth of Bombay Red onion variety grown at Shewa Robit.

Spacing (cm) Days to 50% Flowering Days to Maturity Plant Height (cm) Flower Stalk Diameter (cm) Number of Umbel Per Plot
10 x 20 x 40 72.07bc 134.9ab 87.13a 1.449bc 1562a
20 x 30 x 50 72.53b 134.5abc 77.18c 1.549a 505c
10 x 40 73.53a 135.2a 79.31bc 1.421c 1213b
10 x 50 71.53c 133.9bc 86.31ab 1.497ab 1050b
10 x 30 72.33bc 133.5c 85.49ab 1.308d 1472a
LSD 5% 0.914 0.947 11.8 0.0742 170.6
Fertilizer rate (P2O5 and N kg ha-1)
0 x 0 73.00a 135.07a 76.01b 1.334c 1118a
86.25 x 85.5 72.33a 134.53a 82.59ab 1.435b 1189a
115 x 114 71.87a 133.80a 87.65a 1.559a 1218a
143.6 x 142.5 72.07a 133.93a 84.63a 1.439b 1153a
69 x 142 72.73a 134.67a 84.53a 1.457b 1122a
LSD 5% Ns ns 7.17 0.0742 ns
CV (%) 1.7 1.0 11.8 7.0 20.0

LSD (5%) = Least Significant Difference at P=0.05, CV (%) = Coefficient of Variation ns= non-significant. Means in columns with the same letter(s) in each treatment are not significantly different.