Table 6: Interaction effect of plant spacing and NP fertilizer rates on seed vigour index II of Bombay Red onion variety grown at Shewa Robit.

Spacing(cm) Fertilizer Rates (P2O5 and N kg ha-1)
0 & 0 86.25 & 85.5 115 & 114 143.6 & 142.5 69 & 142
10 x 20 x 40 9.2t 18.75 n 22.49 efg 20.76 kl 22.28 fgh
20 x 30 x 50 22.04 hi 22.58 ef 46.73 a 16.02 q 18.37ยบ
10 x 40 16.03q 20.49l 31.15 b 17.07p 20.83 k
10 x 50 19.26m 21.84i 24.11d 21.25j 22.17 ghi
10 x 30 13.2r 16.97p 22.66e 26.67c 10. 20s
LSD (5%)= 1.636
CV (%)= 1.0

LSD (5%) = Least Significant Difference at P=0.05, CV (%) = Coefficient of Variation in percent, ns= non-significant. Means in rows and columns with the same letter(s) in each treatment are not significantly different.