Fig. (2) The Dependosome Multi-protein Complex and its Downstream Effectors. In the absence of HH, PTC binds DRAL, which recruits TUCAN, NALP1 and potentially TRAF6. Both TUCAN and NALP1 can regulate inflammatory mediators and pro-apoptotic caspase activation. Inflammatory caspases (Inflam Caspases) activate the NF􀀁B pathway and in certain circumstances a specific form of apoptosis called pyroptosis. In addition to acting as a scaffold, DRAL can also enhance FOXO transcriptional activity and activate caspases. TRAF6, if present in the complex, can influence pro- and anti-apoptotic signalling through JNK and AKT, respectively. PTC = Patched; DRAL = Down-regulated in Rhadomyosarcoma; TRAF6 = TNF Receptor Associated Family 6; TUCAN = Tumour-up-regulated CARD-containing Antagonist of Caspase Nine; NALP1 = NLR family, pyrin domain containing 1; FOXO = Forkhead Box Class O); AKT = AK-strain Transforming or Protein Kinase B; JNK = Jun N-terminal Kinase; Nf􀀁B = Nuclear Factor Kappa B. Anti- and pro-apoptotic proteins (roundedged squares) are labelled green and red respectively. Please note, in this scenario TRAF6 is considered pro-apoptotic and Nf􀀁B is considered anti-apoptotic.